Tuesday, January 2, 2007

We Will, We Will, ROCK YOU

Woo-Hoo! The KC Chiefs are in the playoffs! Thanks to the lousy playin’ Broncos (who couldn’t even buck a less-than-500 team (sorry San Fran)). Did ya hear that Raider fans? You rotten, cheatin’, dirty; we-give-the-league-a-bad-name kind of team? Neenerneenerneener!!!
Ok – so what if we made it in by the skin of our teeth? It doesn’t matter – the only thing that does is….WE’RE IN!
I’m normally not such a poor winner but this year the Broncos – who think they are Gawd’s gift to football – DIDN’T make it to the playoffs. Their season is over. Done. Finito. No More.

On a more serious and sad note…I am sorry to hear that the Bronco’s cornerback was shot and killed early yesterday morning in a drive-by. Whatever the reason – it was a high price to pay.

So, next Saturday afternoon I’ll be where every true-blue KC fan will be….in front of my TV. Course, if OS REALLY loved his mommie, then he’d have her (and all the guests that she invited) over to HIS house to watch it on his new big screen plasma TV. Just a thought. No pressure. Hmmm….wonder if he reads this blog daily… or if I should just send the link?


Flo said...

I bet if you offer to bring the munchies, he'd let you come over.

This true blue KC fan will be at church. I might remember to pray for them!

HollyB said...

As long as they don't face the 'Boys, the team Goddess really loves, I'll root for your Chiefs.

It WAS a tragedy about the Bronco player. He was a Ft.Wth, boy, you know. Many tears down here.

Happy New Year, Lovi.

Anonymous said...

Had to e-mail my cousin, the true blue San Fran Fan, and thank him & his team! :)
Flo'll be in church at 3:30? Maybe she can watch the first half, as I think we have a legitimate shot to win this game. We'll be done by the next week, though.
It's truly a tragedy about Darrent Williams. These athletically-gifted 'kids' just get WAY too much WAY too soon and don't know how to handle it when they're used to having little of nothing. My prayers and sympathy to his family.