Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Eeeeewwwwwwww - our house must have ‘em - and not the creepy crawly ones – but the viral ones. Hubby has got it again. Poor guy – I had to tell him “Nothing personal but don’t come near me”.
What is it this year with all the damn bugs?!? Usually the kids and I get the “crud” once throughout the winter and it’s over. Meanwhile Mr.-I-never-get-sick-but-when-I-do-it’s-a-doozy struts around the house spouting “cleanliness is next to Godliness”. We can only figure he means we are all sinners for being sickly, going to h*ll and he’ll reap the benefits of heaven because of his good health. Either that or my housekeeping skills suck.
I’ve had the stinkin’ flu shot every year and it ain’t made a bit of difference. This year I saved the $15 and hubby gets sick! Not once – but twice now!!! How’s that for justice! I don’t think anyone could pay me enough money to get one next year either!
He does have it bad though. I feel for him and tell him so when I wipe down the house with antibacterial wipes, the whole time spouting off something along the lines of “cleanliness is….”.

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