Friday, January 26, 2007


Ok – we caved. The whole fam-damily did. We are reality show junkies.
We are hooked on Idol, Runway Model and Top Chef (go figure).
DD and I enjoy watching the young models go from “everyday plain” to down-right glamorous. Our only complaint is that they don’t give make-up tips! Honestly, some of these girls wouldn’t get a second glance on the street but add some sultry eye shadow and wow! They really pop! The locations they get to see are absolutely gorgeous and it’s really made us realize that it’s not all that it’s cracked up to be. Did anyone else see the photo shoot that had to be done with tarantula’s climbing on their necks? No flippin’ way would/could I do something like that. I couldn’t even watch the shoot. DD had to tell me when it was over!
Now Top Chef is liked by all of us. I think YS thinks he’s going to be the next Chef Boy R Dee (I hope not – I hate that stuff!). The season finale is next week and it’s down to two chef’s. I don’t particularly care for either one – personality-wise. Marcel is the better chef I believe but he’s soooo dis-likeable it’s hard to root for him. Ilan isn’t any better really. I think he presents his food in a more attractive manner than Marcel but I don’t think he’s the risk-taker that Marcel is. He likes to make “safe” dishes. We’ll find out next week who the winner is.
Now Idol…..what do you say? We all love being the arm-chair judge and we’re getting pretty good at picking out the good ones. Although to be fair- this year hasn’t been too tough since they’ve seemed to focus on the really, really bad ones. And yes, I agree – this year they’ve really gotten mean. I’m all for the “you gotta be tough in this business” and “you have to be able to take criticism” but some of the things that were said had nothing to do with the persons ability to sing/not sing, but were personal attacks against their physical appearance. Yes, Hollywood is a superficial town of anorexic beauties and beauty sells but the things that were said were “over the top” and uncalled for. Shame of the judges and shame on the producers for airing it. And speaking of producers….why the h*ll did they have to show the man from Memphis who – while singing – pulled a garment from his pants zipper? This is during prime time; supposedly a “family” show and I have to explain that to YS?
All in all though, we enjoy the reality shows and as long as we watch them together and talk about them, they can be learning tools as well as entertainment and inspirational stories.

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