Tuesday, January 23, 2007


ok - I know it's not tomorrow yet but it drives me nuts to have people waiting on me. So here ya go:

1. I received a “Best Gyrating Waitress” plaque from my two favorite customers (Tanner and Scott) when I worked at Baby Does Restaurant and Bar. (It’s been a few years (and a few pounds) ago). Still got it (the plaque that is)
2. When I was a Junior in high school, I flunked child development (it was 4th hour – right after lunch and I needed a nap so I could party all night…I had my priorities in order back then - can ya tell?!?). I’m now a proud mother of 5
3. I wanted to marry Captain Kirk and still like him to this day.
4. I actually counted the number of licks to the center of tootsie pop. I can’t remember how many it took though – I’ve slept since then.
5. The only real car wreck I’ve had was when I was 16 – in my dad’s car – I hit a cop. It was a bad day for sure.

Now since everybody I know ( and those I just read) has already been tagged then I'm tagging people who I know read my blog and they can email their meme's
Gloria, Connie, Kim, Tammy and Jill


Anonymous said...

You still got it (and I'm not talkin' about the plaque)

Anonymous said...

That WAS you up on Goat Hill, wasn't it!

..the things you learn...


Lovi said...

I've been humbled...