Tuesday, December 5, 2006


I’ve been “blogger” tagged! So here goes:

1. Three things that scare me:

losing a member of my family again
critters (snakes, spiders, ALL them ickie things)
driving on ice covered roads

2. Three people who make me laugh

my kids

3. Three things that I love

A good book
Snowed in
My house

4. Three things that I hate

mean people
slow people in the fast lane

5. Three things that I don’t understand


6. Three things on my desk

coffee cup
mechanical pencil
my glasses

7. Three things I’m doing right now

drinking coffee
waiting on the dogs to finish their business
answering this silly thing

8. Three things I want to do before I die

Visit South Dakota
Get the garage cleaned out
Win the Lottery

9. Three things I can do
organize huge events successfully
be a good friend

10. Three things I can’t do

travel in a car for long periods of time
the Sunday paper crossword puzzle

11. Three people you should listen to

your spouse
your boss
your doctor

12. Three people you should never listen to

phone solicitors
A fortune teller
A drunk

13. Three things I would like to learn

how to solve the rubic cube
how to establish world peace
why men can't put the seat down

14. Three of my favorite foods

all of the above

15. Three beverages I drink regularly

diet pepsi

16. Three TV shows/books I watched/read as a child

The Waltons
Hee Haw (my dad made me)
Speed Racer


Flo said...

Oh man, I remember that, too! Call Junior Samples at BR-549!

HollyB said...

3 things Me-Me is NOT Stupid!

Lovi said...

I wrote SILLY - not STUPID! If it was stupid - I wouldn't have done it. No harm meant :)