Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Naughty or Nice?

And how was YOUR Christmas?!?!?
Was Santa good to all of you? Let me tell you about my holiday weekend!
Friday started off with a frantic phone call to the dr. It seems that YS had developed an ear infection. I wasn’t sure what was up with him – just that something was. So it was either I beg the office manager to find time in their double-booked schedule for him – or I knew an ER visit was coming. I admit I groveled but I got him in! A z-pack later he’s on his way to full recovery.
DD and I ventured to the mall (yuck!) and finished up the shopping that we had to do there – made good time so I couldn’t complain too much. Hit all the stores I needed for gift cards and loved the in and out way of shopping! I felt like I had accomplished so much that way! I even managed to stop and pick up some great throw pillows for my couch…I’m really pleased at that point and head to the local grocery in that town hoping to find me a whole spiral ham. I can find half-spiraled hams all over the place. Finding a whole one is a different story. I had already shopped at all the markets between home and this town so it was this or I’d end up with 2 halves. Not my first choice but will pork in a pinch. I found one and soon DD and I were home with our goodies! Then it’s was hubby’s turn to take off and get a haircut and finish some shopping that he wanted to do without little eyes around (which is good news for me!) so DD, YS and I started watching Ice Age 2 and all three of us ended up taking an afternoon siesta!
After we woke up we checked our list (we made a daily list up until Xmas of things to do so we wouldn’t get behind) and found out that we were behind now! We doubled-timed it and got everything taken care of and even managed to watch the movie we had slept through. It was a great movie! I do question the rating though. I’m not a prude by any means but this movie is rated PG and I’d have to say it should have been PG-13, but that could be another topic!
Saturday rolled around and it was time to prepare for the next days festivities. I started making the cookies for Santa – and all the little “elves”, the fruit salad (love the foods I can make ahead if time!), made some deviled eggs and generally got things lined out. A friend of mine stopped by for a few and it was nice to be able to give her a Christmas hug and wish her happy holidays. Hubby finished his shopping and YS was feeling well enough to go with him and get that special present for Mom. The evening brought a casual-ness to it with frozen pizzas for dinner and another shot at watching Ice Age 2 – which we all managed to stay awake for.
Christmas Eve started early for me. I was up and had pies in the oven by 7 AM. I baked pies all day, boiled more eggs for the next day and readied myself and YS for the evening. We went to Sis’s house (Flo’s) for the evening and had dinner with the step-family. We were given a tour of their new house (almost completed!) and just fell in love with the architecture. I’m looking forward to seeing it completed and Flo getting all her things out of storage and into the house – as I’m sure she is too! It’s a beautiful home, well worth the wait and well earned by her whole family. Their family has worked hard, done without when needed and been through two deployments and heartfeltly deserve everything going their way. Moving on, the evening was nice and I enjoyed seeing everyone but Santa was n his way, so we had to move on home and get YS into bed, and all that was accomplished by 10:30. We had gone onto bed about 12:30 and about 1:30 – hubby got up to fine YS watching the discovery channel on TV. He said he couldn’t sleep and oh yeah….Santa had been there already – can he open his presents now? Hubby explained how that just wasn’t gonna happen and helped YS back to bed where he sleep peacefully until Christmas morning…

To be continued


HollyB said...

And just how did young Levi KNOW Santa had been there already? And why was he awake, anyway? Haven't you ever heard of a little concoction called Benadryl?
Jeez, Lovi, I thought you had learned a few things w/ the other kids!
I certainly never had that prob, but then mine got a shot of Kahlua in their eggnog!

Anonymous said...

What! No scrambled eggs with the pizza! :)