Monday, December 11, 2006

The Candy Dish

I had a couple of requests for more of YS stories so here’s another one:

At Christmas time I always put out a decorated jar that I fill with chocolates (wrapped in holiday colored foil). One day, while cleaning the house, I came upon a pile of wrappers sitting on the floor next to the jar. Since I was the only one home with YS and know that I didn’t eat them and they weren’t there that morning – it was pretty easy to figure out who ate them. So I called for my 3-year-old (at the time) and asked him about the candies. He looks at me totally confused with the biggest brown eyes, wide with innocence, and asked me how I knew it was him. I explained to him first – you don’t eat the candy without asking for it and second – how I figured out it was him and third, (I jokingly told him) that if you’re gonna try and hide something… don’t leave it in the middle of floor for me to find. In my holiday euphoria I forgot who I was dealing with and I never gave the situation another thought.
The next day, I found a pile of wrappers behind the fish tank. Frustrated now, I called my YS and asked for an explanation (thinking the whole time – “does he not learn?”). He tells me that yes he had eaten them, but they weren’t in the middle of the floor so how did I find them? I showed him how the tank sits out from the wall and anyone walking by can see behind it. He’s put into time out again.
The next day I’m cleaning the room. I pull off the cushions to the couch and what did I find? Yep. Candy wrappers. Once again I called my YS and ask for an explanation. He tells me yes he ate them, and yes, he knew it was wrong, and did I clean under the cushions everyday? AAAACCK!
These are the kinds of days that I meet my hubby in the driveway when he gets home - with child in tow. My hair all messed up, my eyes bugged-out, my shirt untucked and wearing two different shoes. I smile that smile and hand the man-child over.
I went to my room, locked the door and waited for the next day. The only problem was – the next day I had to take him to get a hair cut. THAT is tomorrow’s story.


Flo said...

I hope you're going to brush your hair and change your shoes tomorrow.

HollyB said...

I remember those days. Except I just started hiding the chocolate, until the doorbell rang. Then on my way to answer the door, out came the chocolate. Problem solved.
My kids were way too stubborn for time out to work. Heck, even a 2x4 upside the head would've barely gotten their attention!

I'm sooo glad they're grown!

DW said...

So, where lies the problem, he was learning, and as you know he will learn to hide things better.