Friday, December 1, 2006

Oh the weather outside is....

AWESOME! We ended up with about 10 inches of snow!!!! Just finished breakfast and hubby is on his way out to start up the snowblower (that way I don't have to walk through the snow to get to our sled). It's days like today that remind me of how much I enjoy being home and being with my family.
I do plan on being outside with the kids later on today when it warms up to 15 degrees or so but for now I' going to work on my little project I have going.
My eldest son and his girlfriend (whom I adore) moved into a place of their own last Feb. She has been busy making a home for them and every holiday brings new challenges. Both families have helped with contributions to home decor for Christmas since it just adds up so fast when starting from scratch. My son has decided that there isn't any reason to decorate the outside however, since no one but the people across the street can see it . Now, anyone who has seen my house during the Christmas season knows how I feel about outside decorations. If I knew how to posts pictures - and I will learn soon - I'd post a picture of my house with the lights lit up.
Anyway, I am making an outside sign for their place. It's a personalized snowman and the mrs. wishing all a happy holiday. It's turning out really cute and will look great next to their front step. I have a bow left over from the wreath that I made for their front door so maybe I can incorporate that into the sign - if not - no big deal.
Have a great day!


HollyB said...

It's posts like this that make me LOVE living in TEXAS! It was in the 30s y'day but will approach the upper 40s today. Our 1" of ice will melt so even tho it will dip into the mid 20s every nite for the next 5 nites or so, our roads will all be passable b/c we have no more precip during that time.
That is a true blessing b/c nobody down here knows how to drive on ice. Folks start sliding into ditches if another driver throws a cup of ice out the window of their car,for Criminey's sake!!!
You enjoy all that snow, I'll just throw on a sweater and my cute new jean jacket to go to lunch today.

Flo said...

I forgot to tell you that Carol said your house looks very nice all decorated up.

Ah yes, Holly, I remember drivers in Texas during ice storms. That's one of the reasons I like being back up here!

Anonymous said...

What does oldest son mean "only the neighbors across the street can see the outside lights." It's their house, THEY can see them! You really need to do some more rubbin' off on that boy! (Who's John Fogerty?) :)
At my house, got about 9 inches that drifted to 2 feet outside my garage. Spent 1.5 hrs scooping enough off the top layer so my Grand Am wouldn't bottom out and I could get to work. Once I got started though, I was on a roll and did way more than I should have. Good exercise, but I'm really sore today. JossyMae did the front walk and porch last night, just to get out of the house for a while. We really need to move to New Mexico. . .or Hawaii!

Lovi said...

Holly - I can remember driving through a horrible snow storm in Texas going to Flo's for Christmas many moons ago. Eeewwweeeee - you weren't kidding when you said Texans can't drive in it! It was an experience I could've done without!
Confidentital to C - I'm with ya to Hawaii if you can get me there without crossin over Jaw's place of residence

Lovi said...

Oops! Sorry Flo - tell Carol I said hi and thanks so much!

HollyB said...

quit playing in the snow and WRITE already! It's sunday and I'm jonesin' for a new blog from you!!!

Flo said...

You better get your behind in gear, her Hollyness has spoken! I'm surprised she hasn't given you crap yet about turning your SiteMeter on so she can see your stats.

So, welcome to the club of derelict bloggers. That would be the one that DOESN'T include her SNSS, even though he is worse than all of us about posting.

Lovi said...

"And on the 7th day, he rested".