Friday, December 8, 2006


Every parent believes that their child is smarter than every other child the same age. They believe that because their child teethes first, walks first, says their first word before another that that somehow makes them better. It’s their right as a parent to think so. To argue would be futile. Accept it and go on.
Shortly after the birth of my last son, I realized that my youngest child wasn’t necessarily smarter than other kids – but he was quicker. Worse yet, he was quicker than ME. I had to learn to stay on my toes with this one.
His vocabulary was well beyond what any normal 2-3 year old should have. I had become one of those parents. My child was S-M-A-R-T. At 2, he was all but negotiating discipline contracts with me. By the age of 3, he found loop holes in everything I said and exploited them. I’m thinking, “Surely this isn’t one of MY kids. He had to have been switched at birth!” I quickly became an expert at picking and choosing my words for my own protection.
One day after coming home from a particularly exhausting trip to my favorite discount store, I’m walking up to the door with my arms loaded with sacks. My youngest beats me into the house and thought it would be cute to push against the door so that I couldn’t open it. I played along with him for a few minutes but the sacks I was holding grew heavy. Much to his chagrin, I told him enough was enough and proceeded to push the door (along with him on the other side) open and walked through. I barely made it through the door when WHAM! The door slams shut. I turn around ready to shoot bear. I was furious! Slamming the door in a fit of anger - I don’t think so! There stands my 3 year old, backed up to the door with eyes the size of silver dollars and all the innocence he could muster, “Whew! Is it ever windy out there!”
Yep. He’s S-M-A-R-T


Anonymous said...

This is my FAVORITE D.L. story!

Flo said...

Oh, there are SO many D.L. stories I've lost track of them all.

Isn't this great, though? Instead of threatening to show the girlfriend naked pictures when he was a baby, now you can threaten to post stories of when he was a royal brat on the internet that will be there forever and ever!