Thursday, December 28, 2006

part 2

I awoke Christmas morning at 5 AM. Had to get the ham on, breakfast ready and a zillion other things before YS and DD got up and OS and FDIL showed up. I managed to stay ahead of schedule and even had time to read a few blogs before the day just snow balled!
I tell you, it just doesn’t get any better than watching a young child open their gifts on Christmas morning! The excitement is contagious and Santa must have decided we were all very good this year! Everyone was surprised and very happy!
After the opening of the gifts I began in earnest preparations for the big dinner. DD moaned because she always gets stuck peeling potatoes. I offered to trade her places but she declined so her rights to moan and groan ceased to exist and she had to muddle through – and she did well I might add.
Dinner was a half an hour late to the table due to late arrivals (hmmmm….flo?), a deep fried turkey that was taking unusually long, and all around craziness, but it was well worth the wait. The spiral ham turned out beautifully and the green beans were awesome. YS said the blessing and it was every man for himself. There was so much food that if anyone left hungry – they had no one to blame but themselves!
After dinner we got the chance to really visit and that was nice. Everyone was gone by 6:30 and the our family gathered to watch the movie “Cars”. It was a great movie and a nice way to end a nice day.

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