Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Disposable Appliances

Most women would be ecstatic at the thought of getting a new appliance. Not me. It’s like punishment.
About 9 years ago my stove went out. So we get a new one – right? No big deal. All we needed was a basic stove – not a fancy one. I’m not Martha Stewart. I’m not a baker. I cook – not bake, so a basic 4 burner (electric) with oven would work great for me. We headed for the nearest Kenmore dealer to pick it out.
White – it goes with everything and never goes out of style. Right? Well, white with a black finish across the top back (knob thingy part) anyway. We bring it home, install it and it works great. A few days later I’m looking at my dishwasher and thinking that the front has interchangeable panels in it. So, I unplug it (it has a HUGE sign across it that says unplug before servicing) and I proceed to tear it apart only to discover that it doesn’t have the interchangeable front panels. Well I put it back together and only ended up with a few extra parts. Needless to say – it didn’t work. And I now had to tell my husband (DB) what I had done. Shortly after he got home I confessed my dirty little sin. He mumbled a bit (loud enough for my benefit), grabbed his flashlight and took a looksey at what I had done. Three days later (and a LOT of mumbling now) my husband declared the dishwasher officially broken. Now I had been doing the dishes by hand (gawd help me) for three days. That’s my penance. I accepted that. But indefinitely? No way. I’ve heard those stories about how my parents walked 6 miles uphill (both ways) to school. It was rough on them. I don’t care. I’m spoiled and I like it.
DB tells me that we’re going to have to buy a NEW dishwasher. Oh darn it, I remember thinking. Well, the next day I happen to be putting away some trash bags under the sink when I noticed that the dishwasher was STILL unplugged. DB had never plugged it back in. What to do? Do I tell him and not get my new dishwasher? Hmmmm…..
Well, he came home from work and solved my little dilemma for me. He took one more looksey at the dishwasher and then noticed it unplugged. I had my shoes on and my purse in hand, standing by the door. I was ready to go and that’s when he notices?!? (insert heavy sigh).
Well, as luck would have it, DB decided to go ahead and look at new dishwashers. He picked one out that has the stainless steel tub and a garbage disposal in it that would eat small children. Yippeeee! (New dishwasher – not eating children). Anywho…when walking out of the store a refrigerator on clearance catches his eye. This is too good to be true. I must have been a very good girl ‘cuz I got me a new stove, dishwasher, AND refrigerator.
All this and only a few short months after getting my new washer and dryer set. Yes indeedy, I must have been a good girl.
Little did I know that the damn things are disposable.

To be continued.....

1 comment:

Flo said...

I have decided white does not go with everything. For example, my new kitchen. I'm thinking white is going to scream "look at me" as loud as neon pink. I wish they'd get the cabinets stained and the countertops on so I could picture it better.