Friday, March 9, 2007

Women's Shelters

I thought I'd end the week with this - an e-mail from a friend of mine.

Dear Friends:

You probably never thought of this, but women's shelters in the U.S. go
through thousands of tampons and pads monthly. Assistance agencies
generally help with expenses of "everyday" necessities such as toilet
paper, diapers and clothing, but one of the most BASIC needs is
overlooked - feminine hygiene products.

Seventh Generation, a green paper products and cleaning products
company, will donate a box of sanitary products to a women's shelter in
your chosen state - just for clicking the link. Talk about easy (and,
yes, it is legitimate)

See you next week - I'm off to this weekend to celebrate "Scrapbooking month" in Richmond!

1 comment:

HollyB said...

Thanks, Lovi. Now I feel all virtuous.