Thursday, March 8, 2007

It Can Happen

Recently, a well-known actor was arrested for assaulting his son. This isn’t his first arrest for these types of charges either. His marriage (to a famous actress) made headlines on a regular basis with allegations of domestic violence.
As a former victim of domestic violence, this subject sits right close to my heart. I’m a passionate advocate for the victims – both male and female. Years ago, before I moved back to KC, I became involved in one of our church’s ministries, a battered women’s shelter. It was there that I learned “the pattern”.
A friend of DD’s is in a relationship that is in the beginning to middle phases of “the pattern”. It’s so classic it’s frightening. The control, the manipulation, the isolation – it’s all there. DD has tried to talk to her only to have it fall on deaf ears. The parents are totally clueless.
“You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink”, is a hard lesson to learn at their age. It’s so difficult to watch this young lady go down this path and DD is having a really hard time with it, which makes it even harder. I can only be there for DD and watch over her the best that I can.
I’m writing about “abuse” again because I think it’s important for people to be aware of it and face it. It happens everyday and everywhere. There isn’t a line drawn anywhere that keeps people safe on the other side of it. So be careful out there – and don’t forget to hug your kids today.


Anonymous said...

An important reminder.

Let's pray she get's out soon.

I just went and hugged MFD.

Anonymous said...

I've notice my own DD in the same pattern. I found out last night that PL (pocket lint is my nickname for the "boyfriend") will grab her phone when she receives a message to see who it's from, or he'll read the messages over her shoulder. He's also read her text messages and gotten angry when she 'talks' to someone he doesn't like. She won't listen to me, but did talk to a male friend who told her PL is trying to control her. Maybe she'll listen to someone closer to her own age. Please pray for her *(and others like her) to get out before PL (and others like him) crosses the line.

Lovi said...

Anon - If you go to the America's Most Wanted Website (the Feb 3 show in the archives) there is a section on the teen violence. It has a quick "test" that you can print off and use when talking to your DD. And since the questions are not coming from you directly - it might get her thinking. Your local shelters also have information you could use (you might try the hotline also). I'll pray for you and DD and please let me know how it works out.