Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A Plea

Will the parents of all of those 11-12 year old girls who's fingers are stuck on redial.... please please please pleeeeease quit voting for Sanjaya?!?!
For those of you who don't know who I'm talking about - it's American Idol.
This is the first year I've ever watched the show from the beginning and have not missed a show. Watching the auditions got old real quick. I'm not one to watch, over and over, some kids make a fool of themselves. Then it was over and the "chosen" were on their way. Once they get to Hollywood though - they're supposed to be able to sing - and more than one song. I think that's were the problem lies.
Sanjaya did sing well for his auditon. I remember seeing it. I remember agreeing with the judges that he sang better than his sister. Then he went to Hollywood and lost all credibility. he has yet to sing one song decently. I'll give him credit though - he's a cute kid - but a cute kid does not make a good singer. He can sing ONE song good enough but he's no where near good enough to be the winner. Yet every week he gets voted for to stay on.
Most of the top 12 can sing pretty well. In fact - there are 4 of them (all girls) that are down right awesome. It can be so frustrating to listen to this great voices only to follow with some who can't sing and who can't sing above a whisper. It's just proof positive for me that America is more focused on looks than than talent.
It's got to be those "tweens" who love his hair - or the fact that he can hula. Regardless - I'll be rooting for him to leave almost as much as I did for Antonella to leave.