Thursday, February 22, 2007


Did anyone watch the race (Daytona 500) on Sunday?

I felt so bad for Mark Martin. I would’ve like to have seen him win that race. Would’ve been a nice little snub to Roush Racing too.
Mark gave them 23 years of faithful, good driving, a lot of wins (i.e. a lot of money) and they wouldn’t work with him on his retirement. He wanted to retire two years ago but they didn’t have a driver to replace him so he stayed so they could find the “right” driver. After all, this is big business and they don’t want someone in there who will learn all they can and then split. No, they wanted another Mark Martin. A loyal driver – one in it for the long haul, so to speak. So loyal Mark stayed, rearranged the plans he made with his family and stayed. This year, he wanted to drive part time and work on his young son’s up and coming career. But Roush said no. No thanks for the memories or anything – just an ok see ya – I got a new driver now so you can go.
Yeah, it would’ve been nice to see Mark win. With all the durn cheatin’goin’ in the Waltrip camp – a win for a good guy would’ve been sweet.


Anonymous said...

I met him when he was driving dirt track roundyrounders in Batesville when I was in school there. Seemed then like he was a nice guy. I've had some interest in his career since then.


Anonymous said...

One of the reasons I watch NASCAR is because of Mark Martin. I've been a loyal fan of his for years.

I was on my knees, hands folded in prayer and hoping he would win. He tried his best. I think I was more disappointed for him than he was. He deserves a big win. Let's hope he can pull it off sometime this season.

Roush treated him badly and I'd love to see him throw victory in their face.

Lovi said...

How lucky for you rabbit! Mark Martin comes across as a real gentleman and I'd be thrilled to have the opportunity that you had! He always seems to take the high road even when he's frustrated and I admire that.
Mark is also my DD's favorite driver so she was really cheering him on too Laint