Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Hail to the Queen

It’s been hell here. I spent most of last week as “Queen Lovi”. That’s how I was referred as – and not in a nice way either! Can you imagine?!?!
Seriously though, why is it that I’M the one labeled when, on a monthly basis, men’s brains turn to jelly, the children run with scissors and even the dogs forget that begging from the table pisses me the hell off?!?
Welcome to Hell Week. Years ago after screaming at my late husband that I wanted a divorce because the !*&#@ vacuum cleaner wouldn’t stay plugged in, I went (“ was sent” is probably more accurate) to see my physician. After a few questions and a couple of blood tests there in the office, I was given some pre-printed sheets in which we (my husband and I) had to “graph” my behavior. We did this for 3 months (not looking at each others graphs).
Surprisingly, we both graphed about the same. We basically agreed that, for a few days every month, everyone around me lost the ability to think rationally, to chew with their mouths closed, drive a vehicle according to the laws set forth and just plain live sensibly. It took several days with my eyes turned fire red and my head rotating 360 degrees when I spoke before they realized the wrong path that they had chosen and that I had had enough. Once they realized that, things settled into a more normal period. Until the next month....I can only take it for so long, ya know?
Most people call this PMS – we call it Hell Week. “A spade is a spade” they say, and years ago my late husband and I donned the term to this monthly occurrence before PMS became “fashionable”.
It really wasn’t as bad as it sounds but now that DD looks to be carrying on the tradition, it makes for a mighty interesting week around our house. The fire and brim stone, the power plays. Ahhh….it’s good to be Queen.
Till next month….


HollyB said...

Oh, Dear! If your PMS is THAT bad...I'm glad I live in another state. I don't even want to be within a 3 state radius when "The Change" begins.
Or have you been back to the Doc, maybe an actual specialist to see if you are perimenopausal? Trust me on this one Lovi, it comes with it's own set of Hellish symptoms. And there is a body of evidence supporting the premise that the more severe your PMS, or it sounds like you might actually have the more severe PMDD, is the worse your menopausal symptoms will be.
I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings...BUT, better to be forewarned adn therefore foreARMED. Hasn't your Doc offered any chemical support for these difficult times? For you AND DD? It's out there, I promise!

Flo said...

Hey! You all need to feel sorry for ME--I live in the same state! AND I've been putting up with her Hell Weeks for years!