Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Yesterday YS came home from school all excited...he lost another tooth! Yippeeeee! While this means more money in his pocket, it is nothing but a mere sign of old age to me.
For the past year or so I’ve had problems remembering little things….the tooth fairy (twice), the Easter Bunny, and yes….even Santa Claus’s cookies. I’ve had to come up with some pretty creative reasons as to why the Easter bunny left a basket in the room we use for storage (he must’ve been hiding when dad came down for a midnight snack and left it so he could move on to the next house), or why the tooth fairy left the money on the bathroom sink (couldn’t make it to the bed with all the dirty laundry and toys on the floor). Luckily Hubby has a sweet tooth so he reminded me about the cookies and milk.
I can’t seem to help it. I just plain forget. And it’s catching up to me. See, YS believes. Yes, it’s only because he know the consequences to not believing, but he believes none the less. Since he is my youngest, I can afford to be lenient here, but it’s costing me. Each time I forget is a reminder that I’m no spring chicken. That phrase “you’re as young as you feel” is sort of true and most days I feel in my 20’s….well 30’s anyway. My body can tell me one thing and my mind will tell me something else! And on the days that both body and mind feel old – well, hell, that’s a new blog in itself.
My dad use to have a shirt that said “CRS Syndrome”. It stood for: Can’t Remember Sh*t. At the time I thought that shirt was hilarious.
Now that I have CRS – it ain’t so funny

1 comment:

Flo said...

Not to worry, I've had it for years. You get over it, or at least forget that it bothers you.