Monday, May 21, 2007

Today is the first day.....

...of the rest of your life.
Today is DD's 18th birthday! She's graduated now and all grown up. Her first decision as a high school graduate and an official adult is to sleep the day away. She is exhausted she says. Graduating Friday night and immediately attending Project Grad until 6 AM, coming home to get 4 hours of sleep before we race off to watch FDIL graduate nursing school and later attending her party until the wee hours of the morn and then Sunday we had her party. Then she spent half the night on the phone with her friends talking about all their parties. Yep, she's tired.


HollyB said...

Hey, Lovi, don't you remember when bein' a "Party Animal" was exhausting work? I have some dim recollection of that, somewhere,long ago, in a galaxy far, far away.

Flo said...

ROFLOL, oh yeah, Lovi has plenty of Party Animal stories of her own.

Happy 18th, niece!