Monday, April 9, 2007

Trick or Treat?

Ok so fire me. I’m a bad bunny. I also suck at the Santa thing. And don’t even ask about the tooth fairy – it ain’t a pretty story.
I vowed this Easter to do better. Since it all started last year with Easter I figured if I made good this Easter I’d have it made and things would turn around.
I went and bought the basket filled with goodies and hid it until the big day. I remembered the day before and kept telling myself – “don’t forget – put the basket out before bed”. In fact, I was in my room Saturday night, getting ready for bed when I remembered the basket was still hidden. I threw on a robe and headed downstairs to tend to the task at hand and somehow ended up distracted. Don’t ask me how – I couldn’t tell you. I just know that’s what happened.
Easter morning DH and I awoke and I remembered then that the deed was never done. I threw on my robe – again - and headed out the door with DH in tow. I saw that YS’s bedroom door was open and he wasn’t anywhere around. DH and I tip-toed down the stairs and walked into the kitchen where we were confronted with the carnage. There were candy wrappers everywhere, a basket tipped on its side – empty, and a trail of “filler” grass leading into the family room.
DH and I approached the room only to step back so YS could fly by us at the speed of sound. Yep – he had eaten every piece of candy in that basket and was now on the sugar high of his life.
At the rate of 3000 words per minute, he explained to us that he came down to look for his basket and when he didn’t see it on the table he went hunting for it. He only had to look where the bunny had left it last year – in the spare bedroom’s closet. He just figured since he found the basket he should go ahead and have a piece of candy, or two – or what the hell – all of it. No one was up to tell him not to so he can’t get into trouble. Oh, and by the way, if the bunny is going to keep “hiding” his basket – he should pick a different spot each year. This made for a “boring” hunt.
What could I say? I told him I’d pass on the message.


Flo said...

Sure, like he's gonna listen any better next year.

Ok. You're fired.

HollyB said...

But, the good news is, You get glowing recommendations for your next job. AND you are eligible for Re-Hire.