Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Winter Watch

Our local weathermen have put our area under a winter watch! I LOVE winter storms! Okay, okay – I only LOVE it for two days, and then it’s all brown and dirty and icky and needs to go away. (The drivers around here really are bad in the snow and ice…and rain…and hail…..and clouds in general just really mess them up).
Growing up, we used to get those monster (giggle) snow storms with totals of 6, 8, 10, 12 inches of snow all winter long in this area. It was great! Now we get that one time a year or every other year. Global warming? El Nina?
But, I miss those types of storms! The excitement of an unexpected day off from school, the bucking up of the tears when your sled hits the tree and you don’t want your siblings or friends to see you cry, the hot chocolate (with mini marshmellows) waiting at home along with your mom yelling at you to get your dripping wet clothes off and into the dryer.
But the best, the absolute best thing about these types of snow is the sound of the silence. After it finally stops snowing and you step outside on your way to garage to start up the old snow blower, you stop and listen. The silence is so incredibly LOUD! You can almost feel it! You look around at this pure white blanket of untouched snow, watch a squirrel head back to it’s nest, you notice that the snow is taller than the bird bath and make a mental note to check the bird feeder too, and all the while you can’t get over how deafening the silence is. Almost like the town has been abandoned. (Reminds me a show that I saw as a little girl on “the Twilight Zone”. Cool show - but that’s another blog.)
Anyway, it just doesn’t get any better than a huge snow storm so bring it on! I already went to the grocery store so we’re good to go for 4 days, 5 if we stretch it, 6 if we have tuna and 7 if we have a meatless dinner! So bring it on!
Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!!!!


Flo said...

You're sick, sick, sick. You think you're so smart just because you don't have to spend an hour on the roads taking your kids to school.

But that's ok, I know your kids. Snow days are punishment for you now.


Lovi said...

Better be nice or I'll "accidently" leave my kids at your house Christmas Eve. A birdie told me that leaving your kids when you visit relatives is the rave now (giggle)