Thursday, November 16, 2006

Because I Can

The phrase “Children should be seen and not heard” was obviously made by someone who has never truly raised children.
Even when you can’t see the little buggers their essence is everywhere. Just look down the hallway. Three feet above the floor and about a hands-width wide is a dirt mark all the way down the wall. Why do they drag their hand down the wall enough times to leave a permanent mark? Because they can.
Then there’s the moments when you’re trying to peek in on them while they’re sleeping – just to remind yourself that they DO have an angelic side - and you end up stepping on a lego (or Barbie head) and doing the “new version” of disco.
Or how about (and sorry if you’re the queasy type) that distinct smell of the dirty diaper. What parent hasn’t asked themselves, “what did I feed that kid”?
As they get older they just wear more clothes, eat more food and basically just cost more. The only difference being is that you don’t have to haul half your house with you for a quick trip to the store and the phrase “because I said so” will end a conversation.
I’ve been blessed (or cursed depending on the moment at hand) of having more than one child. Just when the sleeping through the night, teething, and potty training became a thing of the past, I brought another angel into this world. Why you ask? Because I could.
Seriously, I have been mothered or a mother all my life. I can honestly say it’s been the most challenging, yet rewarding things I’ve ever done.
I’m looking forward to becoming a grandmother some day. I can spoil the children rotten, do all the things I wanted to do but couldn’t and then send the little buggers home when I need a nap. Why?
Because I can


HollyB said...

Yeah, I said I'd do that with my grands, too. And I do, up to a point. The SNSS has two beautiful dtrs. They don't like their food to touch. SO Gram got them a couple of those trays like they used to have at school, divided into sections, so now they can put their food into the different sections and nothing touches.
SNSS says I'm enabling, I say I'm endulging. That they'll grow out of it. But at 4 and 8, they need some endulgence.
Mayhap when the Angel Baby Girl and Son have chirren I'll be different. I'll more spoiling, but I like to think I'll be fair and treat all my grands the same.
I'll never forget when I called my Mother, looking for sympathy. ABG was being horrid. Mother just grinned over the phone line and sadi, "Payback's a bitch, isn't it?"
You know why grandparents and grandchildren get along so well? They have a common enemy!!! LOL.

DW said...

Spoil'em till they get loud or smell funny then give them back

Lovi said...

SO true